Overall, I would not recommend FFXI to anyone, unless they had a demo free trial copy, just to check out the awesome graphics. But, its all personal preferance of course. Looking for a balance of the two games, I have since come to Everquest 2, which is absolutely fantastic IMHO. However, WoW's gameplay itself far outceeds FFXI's, itrs playability and fun levels are much higher. Wow also lacks in graphics and storyline compared to FFXI, and is also much easier of a game. I started to play WoW, and I missed FFXI greatly in there - it much harder to make friends in WoW than in FFXI, which has a real strong community. I will always have a spot in my heart for this game, but its just plain not that fun. You need to be able to commit to sitting at your computer with very few breaks for 4 or more hours at a time). It has its pros and cons, and, well, it obviously was good enough to suck me in (and destroy my Real Life due to the massive amounts of time and effort needed to accomplish anything - if you want to log on for an hour or two and get some small quest completed or get a little xp when youve got the time, this is definately not the game for you. Nothing ever seemed to go smoothly or be for the sake of fun alone, everything was boring and frustrating, but a necessity if you wanted to progress in the game. In fact, thats how most of the game felt. The new expansion remedied this somewhat - they made it possible to solo (barely) in the new areas and also added some content that felt like it was there more for the fun of it than something that you were forced into doing. After w hile the game feels more like a job than a game, it looses its fun completely.

OF course, all the hardships of the game make it that much more intense, as every action you take is crucial to your time, money, and stress levels. In order to buy even basic equipment that you need, you have to spend hundreds of hours farming - its no wonder so many people have resorted to botting, cheating, and buying gil with RL money. Also things like, everytime you walk past someone a little too closely (which is hard to avoid in major cities) you get stuck on them, and spend a minute or two trying to get unhooked in order to keep walking in the direction you want to go. Sure you get to see the gorgeous scenery, but sometimes you want to get from here to there in a few minutes, not a half hour or more of running - even with teleportation spells. For example, travel time is rediculously long. In addition, there are alot of minor technicalities which could be adressed to improve gameplay overal. The game has harsh death penalties and its not hard to die, making it extremely frustrating. no one wanted to level with me, and of course, I was unable to solo for minor experience while waiting. I stayed up for 3 days straight, trying to get a party, trying to make parties, everything. However, no one else seemed to feel the same way. Example: My first advanced job was Dragoon, I loved it. Some jobs are not balanced well, leaving them unable to get a group for weeks at a time. I played this game for over two years, and while the first year it was pretty fun to explore new areas and do new things, it got old and repetetive fast, since it took so damn long. Also, it is nearly impossible to solo even easy monsters, so you are stuck always waiting for a group. However, be warned, it DOES take forever to do anything in the game. There is alot of depth to the game, giving it an immersion that games such as WoW totally lack.
Even with the specs of the PS2 holding it back from advancing, this is the most graphically rich MMO, nay, game out on the market today, even if it beginning to be dated.